Monday, May 3, 2010


Movies are fun. I think I have gone to at least fifty movies in theaters over the past four years and I doubt that I would trade them (with the exception of a couple). I would like to publicly thank anyone and everyone who has gone to a movie with me. In particular Jeff and Ruben, I love you guys and watching movies together has been such a positive, important part of my maturation over the past four years.

Film is a very unique medium of communication. It is highly relational which appeals to my po-mo nature. You interact with characters much like you interact with people in everyday life; through sight and sound together. I like this especially because I think it is here that Truth is given real feet. It is one thing to read about the principles that are a part of following Jesus, it is something completely different to watch and learn from someone else living out their ideals in fictional contexts. Thank you film!

Sunday, May 2, 2010


I have really like being at Grace University. In theory, we choose our respective universities because they offer some teaching or a teacher that we would like to follow after. Christian universities are supposed to offer courses under the authority and teaching of Jesus, and I've felt that here.

Now I worry about insulation.

Not the "Grace bubble", because that has never bothered me. I worry about the fact that Jesus' working in my life, His work of ridding me of some of the sins that I suffered from and really didn't want, might create a lifestyle of following Him that is removed and calloused towards those things He saved me from.

We are called to be free from sin, but not to be calloused towards the real, seductive, and controlling power it has in this world.

I worry that the Jesus that I've been learning about and following might be somewhat irrelevant when taken away from conversations about eschatology and Lordship and inserted into the real, experiential conversations about lust, deceit, and greed. I doubt Jesus was tempted by cessation of spiritual gifts and traditional dispensationalism. He was human because He was tempted by pride, comfort, and maybe impatience.

What does it say about God when I take classes devoted to thinking about Him and what we talk about in class has almost no relevance when I am alone with my beautiful girlfriend at night or when I am offered another drink at a party with friends?

Jesus is Lord of my sexuality and of my pleasures and loves. I pray for humility and love as He might use me to fight sin one choice at a time, one person at a time.