Monday, March 1, 2010


So we had a "Day of Prayer" at Grace University where classes (and sleep) were voluntarily called off to pray. Paul instructs to lead a life of ceaseless prayer.

Problem: if everyday were that sort of a "Day of Prayer", we'd be narcoleptic monks.

Am I saying the day of prayer is bad? No way, Jose. But I think we need to have a working definition of prayer that may help us measure our prayer life against Scripture's demands. If a god demands a sleepless shut-in, (s)he's going to have to look for someone else.

How can we lead a life of ceaseless prayer?

What do you think?


  1. Unworthy, Semi- Pragmatic Suggestion

    Sit down and face an empty chair. Know that God is... never forget HIm, so that you don't forget to talk to Him. This method seemed to work for a brother of ours.

    to find out more, read, "The Practice of The Presence of God."
